Remember Me this Way 6 (Pages 197 – 233)


Both part, the past and present, are quite scary. At present Lizzie knows that somewhere Zach lurks in hiding, but she can’t tell anybody. One of her colleagues, Sam, who apparently has a crutch on her, walks her home after they have a drink alongside Jane and another teacher, and the following day Lizzie learns that he has been mugged and lies unconscious in hospital. Nothing has been stolen from him, and Lizzie is sure that Zach attacked him. Yet, when she tries to tell Hannah, the police officer, she receives the same wary look.

Onnie appears the night when Sam walked her home. The day she stayed with Lizzie, she had a copy of the key cut, and she has no problem in telling Lizzie. That naturally doesn’t sit well with Lizzie. Then the girl assumes she is staying with her while she is doing her internship in the fashion centre. Lizzie tells her that it is not possible, and Onnie begs to stay at least one night, and Lizzie caves in. I don’t know whether Onnie is trustworthy. In the chapters from Zach’s perspective we know that he and Onnie had sex, so I wonder if there is an ulterior motive for Onnie to collar Lizzie like this. Could she know that Zach is awake? Is she in cahoots with him to hurt Lizzie? The girl seems to know a lot about Zach and tends to speak of him in the present tense. She tells Lizzie that Zach wouldn’t want her to be happy without him, and Lizzie knows she is right. Lizzie also puts up with Onnie because the girl claims that she knows who Xenia is. I still have the hunch that Xenia is some kind of nickname for Onnie. I hope that nothing happens to Lizzie.

I am also worried about Howard, Lizzie’s dog. The poor animal is under the weather, and I am convinced that Zach must have fed him something that is making him sick or killing him slowly. We know that Zach hated the dog and was thinking of ways to kill him. What  a horrible man!!!

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