Review of John Green’s Modern Classic: Turtles All the Way Down

So it’s been a long minute since I’d last read anything by John Green but everyone, and I mean everyone, has been hyping about this book so there was no way I wouldn’t have read this. Anyway, to get straight into the review, I liked what I read. Even though I didn’t love it like some readers did, I still appreciated John’s research into certain mental disorders.

The story is about a high school girl called Ava who’s struggling with the everyday problems, along with a little something extra. Her thought spirals leave her confused and happen to her at the worst of times. Amidst all of this, there’s news circulating around about the infamous billionaire, Russell Pickett, who went into hiding to avoid police investigation for his bribery crimes.

And it just so happens that Ava knew his son, Davis when they were kids who had lost touch with each other when they’d grown up. But because of a certain turn of events, Ava meets him again and the two start to catch up on things that they’d missed out on.

What I liked the most about this book is that it was realistic and handled mental disorders quite well.

There’s been this stereotypical thing going on in books and fanfictions, regarding mental issues that once you meet a cute, charming boy and he’ll end up telling you how amazing you are, which will magically make all your troubles go away just because you have someone now.

Which is frankly quite ridiculous. Mental issues are not that easy to get rid of or even to treat, it takes years of therapy and medication, sometimes even an entire lifetime.

So I’m really glad that John took this topic and even explored this quite seriously because it isn’t something that’s meant to be taken lightly.

It’s a state of mind and since your head is attached to your body, there’s no escaping from it. So naturally, it’s way more difficult to treat than a mere physical wound or injury.

Reading the book and seeing things from Ava’s viewpoint, I felt a bit exhausted because I felt what the main character was feeling, even if it was for just a while. To be trapped inside your mind and held captive by your own thoughts, it’s…such a scary place. It’s such a terrifying thing to know that so many people go through this, every. single. day. And there’s no escape from this because this is something that you can’t control.

And I liked that it’s been portrayed exactly like that in the book, that happy endings are far-fetched but regardless, life still goes on. So you go on.

I liked the message that the book portrayed and the way it was done. And unlike The Fault In Our Stars, which is my favorite book by John Green, Turtles All The Way Down focuses more on these mental health issues rather than the romantic chemistry of the two lovers in the book.

So it did well while creating more awareness about these things. It’s a great read, just not my favorite but that in no way means that it’s bad. I would seriously recommend this to anyone who’s reading or who are wondering whether John Green’s books are worth a shot or not. This one is. It may not be the most quirky or cheerful thing that you’ve read, but you’ll find something to appreciate in this.

So yeah, that basically sums up my review for the book. Thanks so much for reading so far and I really hope that you liked my review. And if you have already read the book, be sure to comment below so that we can talk about it one – on – one. I’d love to do that.

This review was submitted by Sarah Wazir

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