Title: The Assassin’s Blade
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Genre: YA Fantasy
Type: Book 0.1-0.5 of 7 from Throne of Glass series
POV: Third Person
Celaena Sardothien’s name instilled fear and respect throughout the kingdom. At only sixteen, she was the best killer and the protege of the Master of the Assassin’s Keep. But her latest mission brought her to a crossroad that would eventually change the course of her life.
I avoided this series for a long time because it’s too many books for a non standalone series. If judging by the prequel novellas, I’d say it’s something I don’t mind being committed to lol!
There are five stories in this book:
The Assassin and the Pirate Lord
The Assassin and the Healer
The Assassin and the Desert
The Assassin and the Underworld
The Assassin and the Empire
Each story brought out different challenges to the characters and my favorite is the third one, The Assassin and the Desert.
Of course she was worthy. She was Celaena Sardothien, gods be damned.
I kept changing my opinion on Celaena. While I like how badass she was, she’s also very arrogant, over confident and selfish, which annoyed me. But then she also bared her heart and showed vulnerability which made me root for her. And this conflicting emotions continued throughout the book.
She sometimes wondered if he knew just how dark she could turn.
The Assassin’s Blade is a story of standing up to one’s beliefs. It would appeal to fans of ass kicking YA fantasy.
Books in the series:
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