Sagittarius Moon: The Fool’s Journey


The moon in Astrology represents our emotional body. One of the most important planets in a natal chart, it is our innermost self. The our insecurities, fears, emotional dependencies, sensitivities, the way we react to situations, and the way we seek emotional fulfillment can all be derived from our moon sign. Depending on an individual’s chart, the moon sign can be a very hidden, private part of one’s personality, or it can be very prominent, like wearing one’s heart on their sleeve.

Under fiery Sagittarius, the moon loses it’s passive state and begins an epic adventure to find its ultimate, personal truth. Like The Fool in Tarot, they leave the details up to Fate and jump right into life, embracing all that comes their way with open arms. Like a Sagittarius Moon, The Fool card is about new beginnings, adventure, and finding one’s own path in life, separate from others. The two are more deeply intertwined than one might think!


Looking at The Fool in the Raider Waite Deck, we see a young court jester. He is walking alone on a beaten mountain path, with nothing but the clothes on his back and a small sack to carry his belongings. A small dog serves as his travel companion, trying desperately to veer the jester away the from the cliffs just feet away, but ultimately unable to stop him from falling. He holds a small flower in his hand, symbolizing his innocent and optimistic outlook. Like The Fool, Sagittarius moon is young, naive, and reckless. They begin life with wide eyes, eager to set forth into the world, unconcerned with precautions. They rarely take advice, earning the respective labels of restless, reckless, and extravagant. Clothes and knapsacks are chosen for fashion and not for practicality, leaving them with a small arsenal should trouble come their way.

However the lack of assets is a perfect symbol for the Sagittarius Moon mindset. Like The Fool trusts their small dog to guide them forward, Sagittarius Moon trusts the universe, or whatever gods they may believe in, to bring them to where they are meant to be. Armed with a strong inner moral code of their own making and the belief that everything happens for a reason, Sagittarius Moon is not concerned with the details. It’s all faith, trust, and pixie dust when it comes to making their goals a reality. Energy and enthusiasm usually see them to the finish line, where they most definitely will say “I told you so.”

What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” -Vincent Van Gogh, a Sagittarius Moon

Ruled by Jupiter, they have luck on their side, as well as keen judgment when it comes to choosing which opportunities to take. Despite being known as careless and unprepared, they are very intelligent and excel in situations that require them to adapt to new environments, communities, and cultures easily. They don’t pass up the opportunity to learn new things and enjoy getting to show off new skills and talents they acquire along the way, each one a personal badge of pride added to their belt.


In medieval courts, a jester was considered different than other members. He had no title or meaningful role to play, but instead was an observer, meant to find ways to poke fun for entertainment. The Fool in Tarot is a court jester that has decided that there was more to life and decided to set out on his own path. Similarly, Sagittarius Moon seeks a life that is “different,” which they use to define themselves to others. However in the process they commit a most foolish mistake, which is to gain a healthy superiority complex.

The Fool in the Arcus Arcanum Tarot Deck

Sagittarius Moon comes from a past life in which they spent a lot of time profiting off of some form of authority – as a spiritual or religious leader, philosopher, or even a community leader. They come into their current life with the belief that they are somehow “above the law,” or that they do not have to follow the same rules as others. The Fool disregards social norms and puts himself above them when he leaves his home court, and Sagittarius Moon finds themselves in a society that feels restricting, pushing them into roles and directions they do not want.

For Sagittarius, it’s an intellectual and moral superiority that really gets them going. They can become obsessed with achieving tangible proof such as being first in their class, obtaining an specific degree, being an authority on a subject, or quite simply just to prove others wrong on a regular basis. Sagittarius Moons can be found spreading their beliefs and opinions around to others, whether they asked for it or not, unknowingly coming off as pompous and arrogant. Thus they push away the people that they are trying to bring closer, with judgments and evaluations of their character based on their own personal moral system. Inherently they believe that they are “helping,” when in reality they subconsciously hope that others will bow to their superiority once demonstrated, fulfilling their need for security. This is a flawed coping mechanism that must be thrown out if Sagittarius Moon is to move forward on their journey.

Deep down, what they really want to to be accepted by others, regardless of what they will tell you. They have spent many lifetimes standing out, going their own way, creating a sense of loneliness and isolation in the native. They come into this life with the desire to be understood and accepted by their peers. They want to share their wisdom and inspiration with others, to share their personal truth, but must learn to communicate effectively. The best way to achieve this is to come off of their high horse on the high mountaintop, and to listen to others instead of talking over them.

By putting aside their need to prove themselves as smarter or better than others, and simply listening, they can hear what others are asking. By learning about others and their paths, and their personal truths, they also learn more about themselves. When they learn to share their vision from a place of innocence and good will, without judgment, they communicate in a way that is actually helpful and inspiring to others. When others accept their help, Sagittarius Moon receives the acceptance, validation, and idealistic intimacy that they need.


Emma Watson as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series. Her role as Hermione seemed to reflect her Sagittarius Moon.


When pull The Fool in a tarot reading, you can expect a new beginning, a change of direction, and a journey towards your own personal growth. For Sagittarius Moon, that’s what life is all about: a grand adventure that brings enlightenment. Both dreamers start out at 0, with nothing to lose and everything to gain. With an open and generous heart, Sagittarius Moon seeks to share their wisdom with others, making them great teachers and philosophers, as well as wonderful co-workers and friends.

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