Sara Benincasa, D.C. Trip Review


Title: D.C. Trip

Author: Sara Benincasa

Genre: YA/Fiction

Publisher: Adaptive Studios

Synopsis: Alicia Deats is a new teacher chaperoning her very first high school trip to Washington DC, and nothing could be more terrifying than a class full of horny, backstabbing, boundary-pushing teenagers under her watch. To make matters worse, she embarrassed herself with her co-chaperone Bryan Kenner with one too many margaritas and an ill-placed vomiting incident at last year’s teacher mixer and is hoping this trip can be a fresh start for them. Alicia believes in positive reinforcement and trust to keep her students out of trouble, but best friend high school sophomores Gertie, Sivan, and Rachel have a different idea: they plan to take full advantage of the un-parented freedom that a trip to DC offers. Source: Goodreads

I loved this book so much, it is easily one of the best books that I’ve read this year (even though the year just started). I finished D.C. Trip within a few days, I just could not put it down,

This book was hilarious, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard while reading before. I found myself struggling to hold it together in the library while I was reading this. From the mischievous girls to the naïve teacher who was struggling to get her crush to like her. Benincasa’s humor shined through this novel.

D.C. Trip was not only hilarious, but it was also really relatable. The conversations between Gertie, Sivan, and Rachel reminded me a lot of my friends and I. I even related to Alicia Deats even though I’m not a teacher, but we’ve all had a crush on someone that we didn’t think like us back


This book was pure gold, and I would recommend it to anyone. I just finished it, and I’m already thinking about reading it again. I had never heard of Sara Benincasa before this, but I will definitely be checking out more of her work. I’d also never heard of Adaptive Studios, but when I went into Barnes & Noble the other day I noticed that the had their own display. After reading the backs of some them. I think I might pick up a few the next time I go book shopping.

I can’t wait to see what else Sara Benincasa does, and read more of her work.


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