Put a lid on the othering already. And the suppression of unpopular voices. The downside to democracy is mob rule, and like it or not, I’m part of the mob, too.
I’m a minority group member. Not going to be overt about which one(s).
Suffice it to say that I’ve come across many, many SJWs in a fairly short time. That may or may not narrow the list down a bit.
Straight away, just so we have our definitions nailed down..
Before (the truth):
And after (scrubbed hard and whitewashed, the closest to “work” the revisionistas ever do):
The wayback machine is a thorn in their side.
What happens on the internet, stays on the internet.
Shushhhh, maybe they don’t know about it yet.
If you want to preserve accountability, do not utter a damned peep.
I’ve seen “Cultural Marxism” with my own eyes, and it is alive and unwell, bearing resemblance to a Medusa head.
They call it “calling out” “oppression”/bigotry/”-ism”s.
I call it..
Dividing and conquering, spitting and pitting human freaking beings against each other, making enemies within communities, picking fights on social media, the so-called victims doing the victimizing.
Bullying and shunning and shaming, excommunicating and alienating. Correcting, policing.
That’s just a short-list of the charges. They are not trumped up.
A petty, whinging mob (screeching, really) of people with too little to do, too few brain cells, too absentee of parenting, and too much rage. Oh and hormones. Don’t (ever) forget the hormones. It matters not if they pee standing up, sitting down, or anything in-between.
The rest of us (in the minority group(s)), then, often feel a need to censor ourselves, for fear of drawing unwanted attention and ire. For fear of being “called out”, which is simply a typewritten tarring and feathering. For fear of having to waste valuable, limited energy on defending innocent words and phrases, defining uncommon and misunderstood thoughts and communications, and adding lengthier and detailed disclaimers.
Yea, I have to take twice the time and energy it should take, merely to state a simple thought or offer up a single thesis statement, for fear of the stoning that will assuredly follow.
TL;DR: I have to do much more work to accommodate lazy, histrionic people who are more dead-set on remaining in a perpetual fit of rage.
They let their minds run with scissors, going to spare at the drop of a hat. I’m thrust into a defence mode I did not ask for or invite.
A position of defence is not a position of strength.
That is exactly what they want. They want to gain strength over you. Beat you into submission, conformity, mindless following.
Establish a pecking order, who’s boss? They are, of course. They’ve got this shite down. These bitches have gone pro.
All it takes is a single innocent misstep.
Suddenly, you’re an “oppressor” and everything you say is offensive, and everyone connected to you is a fellow “offender”, guilty by association, no matter how loose. Longtime friends are goaded and pressured into leaving your side, abandoning you, unfriending and unfollowing and even blocking you. Bother. Better yet, bah-fucking-humbug.
I’ve long tired of the herds of the world being hijacked and led around by a smarmy, unpleasant handful of victimhood-obsessed bullies who feel compelled to brainwash everybody else.
These bullies are not, to my knowledge, generally people who have been genuinely victimized; that’s not what this is about.
This IS about people who cry victim when in truth, they’ve enjoyed a life of relative privilege. In countries in which a public dole actually exists for them to be on.
Go try that anywhere you see grey..
The little % thingies represent the percentage of GDP that is social expenditure.
In American: how much of your country’s income went to welfare recipients, many of whom are able-bodied and able-minded but would rather whinge all day? (Obvs, I’m not including those who are genuinely too sick or disabled to work. Duh.)
Image Key: how close to blue is your country? Congratulations, that’s how much money you’re wasting nationally.
Some of the bluest countries are back-tracking on their promises.
Those people will recoil in horror at what I’m saying because they’ve death-gripped this concept so strongly and claimed it as their own. It sounds offensive because it is.
Except that I’m not the offender.
They are.
By using practically every current event as an excuse to claim “oppression” and “violence” against their abstract super-divided group, they dilute and cheapen the traumatic experiences of those who have been victimized in some way.
Want to know what real oppression is like?
Go to India and talk to “the untouchables”. Go to Cuba and talk to the people running the illegal internet from some dark, hot, sticky hideout, just so they can access some worldwide current events and a few cat videos and if they’re lucky, a few basic gaming apps. On probably something akin to dial-up speeds.
Go to China and talk to the people kept captive, forcibly addicted to heroin and then forced again to work in their polluted knockoff Nike factory in some Cancer Cluster village in the middle of nowhere, hard enough just to be granted their next fix that keeps them from getting sick.
Or the people (also in China) who are barred from accessing certain freaking websites that diverge “too much” from Chinese government propaganda or who are forced to abort any conception beyond the first child.
Or the women in Muslim regions, especially Africa, who suffer FGM.
Or the females (and some boys) kidnapped the world over and sold into the underground s3x slave trade (deliberately misspelled to throw slime dogs off the scent trail). The MSM whitewash it into “trafficking”. Bullshit. It’s called slavery, and it’s not dead.
Now that’s oppression.
By the way, the demonized Collective White Male did not do that to any of them. In the case of India, their fellow Brahmans did. In the case of Cuba and China, their fellow Communist political elite allowed that to happen. For those who need a world civics lesson, communism as it’s been applied is essentially Marxism. Which is the self-proclaimed “ideal” philosophy of the far, far left.
But just how “ideal” is communism, since I mentioned it and all?
Ideological blueprints always look good on paper.
Reality rarely lives up to the standard.

Looks pretty spiffy. Great for the “entertaining” set.

Hope you like your Ration.

The ambiance! Superb academic atmosphere. Really lends itself to comfortable concentration for those exams.

Such quality of life! Where do I sign up?

And until you die from either living in a Chinese Cancer Cluster, or a similar depressing feat in Russia or wherever, you could always walk to work and back, with the above as your scenery.
That’s not how I want to live. That’s also not, metaphorically speaking, the kind of societal mindset I want to live among or be expected to conform to.
But it is what happens when “everyone is the same”, government rules all people and solves all problems, and people don’t get to live off the fruits of their labour because government is invited – and then firmly established – to make all the decisions. When people are given rationed handouts, whether they work or not, they cease to work. They cease to have an identity, and then, they cease to care. Life is cheap and the world becomes shite.
That’s what happens when the commies take over.
Communism has ways of seeping into a society, insidiously, darkly, nonchalantly, mostly unnoticed. It’s flowery feel-good nonsense at first. “We’re all equal.” Bullshit. We’re all different. We all have different strengths and skills. We all face different challenges.
It’s ironic, how the SJW, the cultural Marxists of the world, work so tirelessly to convince each other and everyone else (mostly the former, as that’s the majourity of their audience), that everyone is the same. Everyone is equal, there are no differences.
But talk is cheap. Action says everything. Their constant classic divide-‘n’-conquer tactics sing the whole song. Constantly attempting to create division where there is none, an urgent catastrophe where none exists, and alarming extremism on opposite ends.
In their world, when you start taking a hammer to brass tacks, no-one is actually equal. They condemn the meritocracy, because they have little. Instead, it appears to be a contest over who is the most “socially conscious”, the “strongest advocate” the most “enlightened”, the most “aware” of “struggles”, and the angriest, most outraged. Who can hate the White Male the most.
Frankly, I would like the pasty white privileged tart on benefits in a flat with four kids to try and tell my fledgling non-supported self-employed child-free arse which one-the-fuck-of-us is actually “struggling”.
Hint: I bet it’s not her.
Trudge up my gravelly mountain in my shoes for half a day, bitch. You couldn’t hack it.
Eh, so full of irony, so full of BS, so full of contradictions.
I’m not done with SJWs yet. Not by a long shot.
I’ll just leave these here..
Good article on Cultural Marxism:
Idiots claiming it’s a Conspiracy Theory:
I’m not alt-right. Points of contention like pronatalism, religion, and other such tick-boxes cross me off their approval list. And that’s okay.
In fact, it’s just the way I like it.
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