Sneaky Interviews Smoky Joe from Death Overdue by Allison Brook

Meow, there. I am very honored to have another cat character as a guest today. What’s even better is that cat is a library cat just like me. Can you please tell us your name, sir, and your author’s name?

My name is Smoky Joe—I suppose because I’m gray all over like smoke. My author’s name is Allison Brook.

Mice to meet you, Smokey. What book(s) have you appeared in? Please list them and their genre.

I appear in DEATH OVERDUE, which is a cozy mystery that was released on October 10.

Did you say cozy? I’m a cozy cat, too. Are you in a series, as well?

Yes, I am in the Haunted Library mystery series, which takes place in a picturesque town called Clover Ridge, Connecticut. I am the Library Cat!

My mistress Carrie, who is the Clover Ridge Library’s Head of Programs and Events, brings me to the library every day, I like being the Library Cat and greeting all the patrons. I especially like visiting the children’s room and wandering through the main reading room where lots of retired people sit around reading magazines and newspapers. Carrie’s put up posters telling people NOT to feed me, but sometimes they do. Lucky me! There’s a ghost named Evelyn that haunts the library. Carrie can see her but I can’t. I just feel her icy presence and it makes me verrrrry uncomfortable.

Wow, Meow! We definitely do have a lot in common. I live in the Cobble Cove Library which doesn’t have a ghost, although maybe the person who was murdered in our last book might begin to haunt it. I hope not because she wasn’t a very nice person, anyway.

Are you based on a real cat such as your author’s? If so, please give further details.

My author says I’m not based on Sammy, her real red cat, because Sammy isn’t as sociable as me. And sometimes Sammy BITES, which I never do. But my author loves both of us.

I’m somewhat based on Debbie’s Siamese, Oliver, but I’m younger and much better looking in my humble cat opinion.

What do you like most about your role in your authors’ books?

I like spending time in the library. I enjoy the patrons’ attention and hope that I brighten their visits. I like coming home at night with Carrie. In this book I’ve gotten to know all of her friends and the people she works with. In the next book, I play an important role in solving a mystery.

I love my library, too, especially when I participate in children’s storytimes. I’m also great at helping my human co-stars find clues, but I let them solve the mysteries themselves. Actually, that’s Debbie’s idea, but at least I convinced her to give me my own blog and feature me on the cover of our latest book.

Are you a talking cat in your books or just a silent one like I am who just meows occasionally?

I don’t speak, but I meow when I want something. Carrie’s smart. She always knows exactly what I need.

That’s great. Alicia is good at reading me, too, but sometimes I have to be more obvious about what I am trying to tell her.

Do you have any new books coming out? Please give dates and details.

Oh, yes!! READ AND DONE is the second book in the Haunted Library mystery series. I have a very important role in this book, which is scheduled to come out in September, 2018.


Are you and/or your author on social media? If so, please list your links.

I’m not but Allison is. I’ll share a secret with you: Allison’s real name is Marilyn Levinson. Here are her social links:


Amazon pages:





Purrfect. It’s been a real pleasure interviewing a fellow cozy library cat character, Smoky. Best whiskers to you and Allison/Marilyn on your wonderful haunted library series.

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