Stay Safe from Slavery Conference

Unchosen are delighted to announce an innovative conference called Stay Safe from Slavery, focusing on new ways of preventing Modern Slavery in the UK. The conference takes place at the University of Nottingham on 21 June 2017. The university’s Research Priority Area in Rights and Justice and Antislavery Usable Past project is partnering on the conference, in conjunction with work to make Nottingham a slavery-free city.

The 2014 Modern Slavery Strategy highlighted prevention as vital to the fight against slavery in the UK, and aimed to “protect vulnerable people by raising awareness and stopping them from becoming victims.” However, preventative programmes are today few and far between – understandably, the focus is very much on finding and protecting victims. Unchosen’s Stay Safe from Slavery conference asks – how can we protect the vulnerable? How can we stop those who are homeless, refugees, migrants or children in care from falling victim to exploitation? What are the new approaches in this field?

This conference invites a wide audience to challenge the status quo and look at innovative ways of approaching the prevention of slavery. The conference will appeal to the anti-slavery sector, frontline workers who work with vulnerable groups, as well as homeless charities, refugee and migrant groups, those working with children in care and care leavers – and the growing number of academics working on Modern Slavery.

Speakers include representatives from GLAA, Border Force, University of Nottingham, ECPAT, Homeless and refugee charities.

The conference coincides with a new project called Stay Safe from Slavery that Unchosen is currently developing.

Book now – for early bird tickets at £55 per person before 31 March, £75 after.

Any questions, please email [email protected]

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