Taking Care of Our Spouse

“Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him.”

In the beginning, God saw that Adam needed companionship, so He gave him a gift.  He gave him a wife, Eve, who became the mother of his children.  Sometimes we forget that our spouse is a blessing, and we’re meant to take care of that blessing wisely just as we’re called to be stewards of everything God has given us.

My husband and I have been married for almost 46 years.  After all that time, it’s easy to become complacent, to settle into familiar routines, and to take one another for granted.  It’s so much easier to complain than to appreciate. I certainly am guilty of feeling aggrieved about the few things my husband doesn’t do for me while ignoring the many things he does. When I fall into this sinful thinking I need to remember this scripture about how God expects us to relate to one another:

“Submit to one another, out of reverence for the Christ.”  Ephesians 5:21

Submitting means to yield our own rights.  In other words, put the other person first. Think about what is best for them.  I’m sure many quarrels (and even divorces) would be avoided by following this simple advice. The verse also tells us WHY we need to do this — it shows respect for the other person, but also respect and reverence for Christ.  It shows our gratitude for the great gift God has given.  Think about it.  How do you feel when you give your child a new bike, only to find he has it out in the rain to rust?  How do you feel if a week or a month after getting the bike of his dreams, he’s wishing for a different model?  That’s not the way to treat a gift.  No parent would be happy with such behavior.

If you are married, give thanks today for your spouse — a gift and a blessing from God.


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