Jan. 1, 2018 By Jack Jodell (in association with the gifted writer BURR DEMING, who created and still posts regularly over at the brilliant blog site FAIR AND UNBALANCED.COM – see my Blogroll in the lower right side of this page).
COUNTDOWN: There are still 1,216 days left in this self-centered and totally repugnant administration’s term in office…
HAPPY NEW YEAR, everybody! As the reactionary, CON-servative Republicans celebrate their recent tax victory, their blindness and ignorance are at times astounding. Mental midgets Ben Carson and vice presi-dunce Mike Pence seem to be falling over one another as they heap effusive praise over the “leadership” of Presi-dunce Donald Chump. It is indeed a most disgusting and sickening spectacle to see for rational people. For, Golfer-in-chief Chump has done anything but lead, having spent roughly 1 out of every 4 to 5 days away from his desk in Washington, golfing at one of his numerous Chump-owned golfing facilities.
Today, our ever-observant podcaster Burr Deming mulls this over, recalling an incident he once experienced from a holier-than-thou member of a far-right Christian chat room he used to occasionally visit. Burr, a learned, reasonable, and practical devout Christian himself, marveled at the self-righteousness of that person, and sees a similarity in today’s bloc of far-right reactionary Republicans. Burr uses a phrase from Charles Dickens’ character Uriah Heep to help illustrate just how mindlessly servile Carson and Pence, as well as their party (let us not forget Sen. Orrin Hatch), have become as they gush over this most mediocre of all chief executives we are now cursed with.
Burr states, “A numble President and Cabinet join in public prayer, thanking God for providing to a grateful nation a President and Cabinet as courageous and bold as themselves.“
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