The Black Key by Amy Ewing

“For too long, Violet and the people of the outer circles of the Lone City have lived in service of the royalty of the Jewel. But now, the secret society known as the Black Key is preparing to seize power.

While Violet knows she is at the center of this rebellion, she has a more personal stake in it—for her sister, Hazel, has been taken by the Duchess of the Lake. Now, after fighting so hard to escape the Jewel, Violet must do everything in her power to return not only to save Hazel, but the future of the Lone City.”

What a great finally for such a great series. I was a little upset that it had to end and I could have used another hundred pages or so, if I am being honest.

I was incredibly attached to these characters and their well-being. I wanted them to win this war and I really enjoyed the twists and turns that their journey took. This series is wonderful and I definitely recommend it to anyone who likes dystopian-type YA books.


I cried. I cried so much when they killed our fave lady-in-waiting, leader of the Black Key. I mean, I saw it coming because of a conversation a few pages before where he seemed quite convinced that he would not make it out alive… But the reason for his death and his last words were perfect and truly brought it all together.

I am not sure if I missed it or not… But I felt like there was a lot of talk about the Exetor and the Duchess’s illegitimate child, but it was not revealed if that child born 28(ish) years before was still alive or part of this story at all. I am not sure if it is just my mind that tries to predict twists before they happen, but I spent a lot of time trying to guess who that kid might have become.

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