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The Fox Inheritance by Mary E. Pearson
Series: Jenna Fox Chronicles #2
Genres: Young Adult, Science Fiction
Release Date: February 19th 2013 by Square Fish
Format: Paperback, 294 pages
Rating: ★★★★☆
Find it here: Goodreads || Book Depository
I liked this second book more than I did the first, despite the fact it left out way more about the world Locke and Kara woke up in than I was happy with. I wanted to know more about this divided America they were living in, and it seemed like it only barely really touched on it here and there as the story went. I probably should have expected it, since the first book wasn’t exactly super elaborate on the world-building that time around either, but I thought maybe it would be moreso in this one if only because it takes place farther in the future, where more things have changed.
It’s understandable why, I mean, that’s definitely not the premise or central storyline of the series itself, but man. That sounded so interesting to me and I wish there was more in the book to explain what had happened and what was going on.
As for the characters this story centers on with Jenna out of the picture … I kind of absolutely hated Kara? I mean, that might have been the point, because it’s pretty clear Locke is the one you’re supposed to really root for in this sequel, but something about Kara I just. Really. Did not like. At all. Once I finished it, I was somewhat surprised at how little I felt for her character in the scheme of things, when she was intended to be one of the trip that the series is about. Shouldn’t I have cared more for her, like I did Locke and (to some extent) Jenna?
But I just didn’t, and that kind of bothered me. I enjoyed the book enough to give it a pretty high rating, but it wasn’t fantastic in my mind, and certainly could have been better.
Thanks for reading!