The Lazy Guide To Kyoto (2D1N) for People Who Like To Nua

Hello! We wrote the Lazy Guide to exploring Osaka – welcome to our Lazy Guide to exploring Kyoto! Basically, this version is for travellers who

  • Like to take their time to enjoy their holiday
  • Don’t like to pack too many sight-seeing trips in a day to avoid getting burnt out
  • Still want to see the main attractions and enjoy the culture in Japan
  • Here’s what we did in 2 Days 1 Night in Kyoto. First stop:


    We reached there around 10ish in the morning, and boy the crowd was insane!! Only when we climbed up higher did we manage to get a photo less bombarded with people.

    To avoid the crowds, you probably have to get there around 6 or 7am, before all the tour groups arrive. But then SLEEP > not squeezing with crowds