This @storybundle Thing Happened #fantasy #ebook #SPShow @NIWA_writers


Once upon a time, there were two authors. Well, actually, there are thousands, but this story is about two. Five. Fifteen, really. But we’ll start with two, because one of them is me, and the other one is Kevin J Anderson.

For clarity, this story is not a romance. There is no romance in this story at all.

Okay, there’s a little, but it’s all in books. Because we’re authors and that stuff is about the human condition, and that’s what spec fic is about. Besides, I’ve met Kevin’s wife, Rebecca, and she’s lovely.


Moving on.

Once upon a time, there was an indie author and an established, famous, excellent person. No lie! I’ve met him in person and he’s pretty cool. This one time, we were both concurrently at a convention–which is to say that I was there as part of Clockwork Dragon, and he was there because he’s Kevin J Motherf—ing Anderson (not his real middle name). This fan walks up, and Kevin drops everything to say hi, pose for a pic, sign some books, and remember the dude’s name from ten years ago in Greenland*.

*Not actually Greenland.

Everything I know about how to behave toward fans was reinforced by watching this man. I didn’t learn it from him, because by the time I met him, I’d been at this for a while and come to similar conclusions on my own. I’m smart and stuff, or so people tell me. Also, did you know I write books? It’s amazing! You may have read one or more of them without noticing because I’m an indie, and that’s our lot in life.

But I digress.


At this point, I should probably sum up, because there isn’t too much.

Ta da! *hand flourish* Look at that. Pretty, ain’t it?

Kevin graciously extended an invite to some indies like myself to have a book in the 2017 Truly Epic Fantasy Bundle on Storybundle. Other authors with books in there include some dudes named Brandon Sanderson, RA Salvatore, and Michael Stackpole. Y’know, regular guys you’ve never heard of.

Part of the proceeds benefits starving* indie authors like myself and Erik. The other part benefits the Challenger Learning Centers for Space Education, which is all about STEM and full of excellent people.

*Not actually starving to death. Erik and I are both in excellent health and should be around long enough to finish The Greatest Sin. No promises after that.

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