Transgender Inmate Seeks Transfer to Female Prison Further Fueling Gender Wars

Transgender Inmate Seeks Transfer to Female Prison Further Fueling Gender Wars

By Lena Fields-Arnold


Deon Hampton is a 26-year-old MAN i.e.-transgender woman serving a 10-year sentence in for burglary.  According to Michael Tarm, writer for the Associated Press Hampton is seeking a rarely granted transfer to a female prison where “she” says she’ll be less vulnerable to the kinds of sexual assault, taunting and beatings she’s been subjected to in male prisons.

My question is, how safe will the women be on the prison he wants to transfer to?  In a previous posting on my blog I wrote about the MMA fighter who routinely beat her female opponents, nearly killing one before revealing a sex change operation. This operation apparently didn’t change the physical structure that allowed her to pummel her opponents.

Hampton’s lawsuit alleges that he is singled out for the taunting because he is transgendered.  I do not advocate violence and brutality on any inmate, but I do wonder, “how do prisoners prove they are being singled out specifically for this reason?

In prison, weaker prisoners are routinely singled out for harsh treatment.  What makes Mr. Hampton any different from them?  Where can they go to be safe?  Or perhaps this is Mr. Hampton’s plan to avoid any harsh treatment altogether?

In a South Park episode Cartman played such a game so he could use the girl’s restroom. He quickly realized that he could manipulate the system and get his own bathroom simply by claiming to be transgendered.  He carried out this plan even to the detriment of the system and his classmates.

What’s sad to me is that this case even got a hearing, when there are many more important things our tax dollars could be spent on. Don’t misunderstand me, if his claims of abuse are true then let’s deal with the issue from that frame of reference not adding, according to his lawyers, that Hampton is, “Unable to comfortably represent herself as female in the male prison — where she can’t wear her hair or nails long — has also been devastating psychologically,” and that he feels inhuman as a result of this inability.  REALLY!  Should I feel inhuman because I can’t grow my hair long or afford to get my nails done on a regular basis?  Sorry dude, any sympathy I might have felt for you was unceremoniously tossed out the window.

While there is some data to support those transgender inmates are at greater risk, but that data is minuscule when compared with the total number of prisoners in the system.  Besides, why should taxpayers pay for Hampton’s personal issues?  If I want my boobs removed (and I don’t by the way), no one’s going to pay for that!  My idiot neighbor makes me “feel uncomfortable.” Can I ask the government to buy me a new house and move me?

So Mr. Hampton, you want to be a woman.  That’s your business.  Might I recommend that you finish your sentence, get a job, and pay for your own breasts? Pay for your own estrogen treatments, and your own penis removal?  See because that part of the equation is a choice. Even if you believe that people are born gay and can’t control their attraction to the opposite sex, it is a far more difficult argument to claim that people are born in the wrong bodies.

There is a scripture that states that in the mouth of two or more witnesses let a thing be established. You don’t have to believe in the Bible for this to be a good point of reference. Stay with me people. Don’t let a little scripture reference run you off. If I’d quoted Gandhi you’d still be here so don’t leave me now.

This first witness was given to be by a 7th grader:

  • Visual Inspection
  • Remove your clothes and stand in front of the mirror.  If you have breast (no matter how small), and a vagina the probability that you are female is 99.99 %.

    If you do not have breast or maybe some fatty tissue that look like breast and a penis (no matter how small) the probability that you are male is 99.99%.

  • Medical Evaluation
  • Get a comprehensive medical exam that includes full cavity exploration.  If the doctor’s hand can go up and inside you from the front and back, the probability that you are female is 99.99 %. To ensure accuracy have an x-ray or an MRI.  If the technician sees a uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes-then Houston I think we have a FEMALE.

  • Scientific Study
  • While at the doctors, give up some blood and have it tested for the presence of estrogen and/or testosterone. If the results show a preponderance of estrogen then you are probably a girl. If the results show a preponderance of testosterone then you are probably a boy.

  • Biological Comparison
  • In biology we learned that the X and Y chromosomes determine a person’s sex. Most women are XX and most men are XY. Occasionally an individual will be born with a single sex chromosome or even multiple sex chromosomes.  In these rare cases doctors will look at all the above factors to help determine a person’s actual gender, and in most cases discover these abnormalities prior to birth or shortly thereafter.  For more information visit the World Health Organization’s website, ask your science teacher, or physician.

    I’m not trying to be insensitive, because for those rare cases this can be a heart wrenching issue in which they had no choice. But let’s face it, for the majority of people claiming transgendered this is not a scientific issue, but rather a psychological one.  Something, somewhere, along the course of life happened that altered the way they think about themselves.  You know how I know, because they talk too much about their “feelings” and how other people are making them “feel” because of how they “feel.” Maybe if you didn’t talk so much about being transgendered no one would even know you were.

    The article goes on to state that, “While prison officials do have the option of assigning such male-to-female transgender inmates to women’s prisons — it happens infrequently.”  That’s probably because prison officials have a lot more pressing problems on their plate worrying about the 99.99% of prisoners who are not transgendered.

    So this is probably a good lesson for those who may be struggling with this issue-don’t commit crimes that will land you in the prison system.  It is unfair to expect the rest of the world to accommodate Hampton because he chose to have his procedure interrupted by committing a punishable offense that subsequently landed him in prison. Even if he claims to have had no choice in his gender he cannot argue that he didn’t have a choice in whether to commit a legally punishable crime.

    So now like all the rest of the prisoners Hampton must press pause on his personal life, and he wants to rest of us to feel bad about it.  Sorry dude no can do. See because here’s the thing it doesn’t matter what you “feel” like.  Being a male or female is not a feeling-IT JUST IS!

    Some days I feel like a lazy slug.  But that don’t make me a slug.  Some days I feel like the most beautiful female on the planet-but that don’t make me a supermodel. However if I want to have surgery and implants to make me feel like the inner supermodel I know I am, I don’t expect my country to pay for it. Although that would be cool and I would so take advantage of that!

    However in all seriousness, for the extremely small percentage of people for whom life is not so simple; who really do have biological and/or medical issues relative to gender identity, it is wrong to exploit this matter and make things more difficult for those who really do deserve our sympathy. If Hampton really wanted to promote the cause for those struggling with transgender issues he would buck up, stand up straight (no pun intended) and advocate for the cause in a more meaningful way-one that does not further fuel divisiveness.

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    Lena Fields-Arnold is an author and motivational speaker whose work has been featured in numerous papers and periodicals. As a writer, Lena seeks to push people past their comfort zones and engage in meaningful dialogue that moves beyond the boundaries of political correctness, and leads to real understanding and mutual respect-even for opposing opinions and beliefs. Lena received her master’s degree on Executive Leadership from Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA and her bachelor’s in Mass Communications Wright State University in Dayton, OH.  As a journalist, she has written for several periodicals and was endorsed by the late CBS News Correspondent Ed Bradley for “…being a thoughtful writer who goes beyond…” To read more of Lena’s Work visit Stuff Inside My Head- the Official Blog of Lena Fields Arnold at:

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