Friday or really Saturday morning when I went to sleep I kept waking up from dreams because I was getting too hot from the heaters because someone kept opening the bedroom door, I did not record my dreams during this time, and my sleep and dreams kept getting interrupted and I could not go back to sleep each time until I cooled down enough.
The only dreams that I can remember during that time involved me comparing computers and computer parts, which is what I was doing before going to sleep because I need a new computer because mine is broken, and I might resurrect my computer by buying another CPU for it depending on how much it costs now-a-days for an old CPU that will work in my old motherboard so that I can pass it on to my family.
Later I had a series of probably separate but similar or connected dreams that took place in the same dream world it seemed, and so I will type them as one because I am not sure when they end or begin.
I was not able to type these dreams Saturday so I am typing them today, but I will back date them to Saturday.
It seems that I will never get these dreams typed so I have a bit of a mental wall or block in the way, and so I will have to probably just type super lazy versions of these dreams to finally get them out because the day is almost over and I do not want to have to wait another day trying to type them.
All of these dreams took place during the evening and / or night.
In this dream most of my family and me seem to be living the front of the inside of what looked like the Walmart in the city of D on the left main entrance that is closer to the garden section, and this was probably in the shopping center / shopping mall that is featured in all of these dreams.
We have beds when you first enter the store, the entrance lobby possibly had a bathroom, and I went there to lock the main door as people walked outside around the shopping center.
I turned off the lights in the entrance lobby but I decided to turn them back on because it looked nice, I found two flat IDE or ATA cables that go to a computer CD / DVD drive probably laying in a puddle of water in the lobby oddly, and so I picked them up and shook them off and moved them away from the water.
We were getting ready to maybe watch a movie and then go to sleep, but that is all that I can remember of this dream or part of the dream.
The next thing that I remember is walking around outside and inside the shopping center / shopping mall and there are a larger number of people speaking Spanish who seem to be from maybe Mexico compared to most of my dreams which was cool, they were not the majority, but it was interesting getting to hear more people than normal speaking another language.
Inside the mall I got some Chinese food in a carry out container in a bag with four fortune cookies, I walked outside and several kids whose family seemed to be from Mexico ran over to me wanting something and they could speak English and Spanish, and I gave them my fortune cookies and they ran way smiling to show their father who also spoke English and Spanish.
They said that a man gave them the fortune cookies and he had no idea who they were talking about so he told them to throw them away and to not take food from strangers like that, and so I walked over to let him know that it was me and he thanked me and he changed his mind and he let them keep them.
They start walking in the same direction as me outside and around the buildings, some of the father’s friends who seem like members of a Mexican gang walk over to join them and talk with the father in English and Spanish, we notice a damaged sports car or racing car in dried mud that has bent up rims and tires et cetera like it crashed so they stop to admire it and I stop too.
They say that it would be nice to fix that car up and I encourage them and tell them that sounds like a good idea that I think will work, and I made up a fun little news story of them doing that and how I think that they would do it which seemed to have boosted their inspiration even more and they said that they might try it.
The next thing that I remember is walking to a small one-story apartment building in the shopping center parking lot among the many other buildings, and I go to visit maybe my former male classmate DH who lives in one of the fictional apartments and somehow I know which one.
My former classmate DH is inside hanging out with two of our former male classmates, I wonder why they did not invite me, and I talk with them and then I sense that they did not want me around really so that is why they did not tell me.
I ask them if they have seen The Punisher television show on Netflix yet because I am still watching it, at least one of them has, and the other two have only seen part of it and gave up on it because it was too slow including DH.
They are about to leave as I am leaving and I notice that one of them is tied to a chair and reminds DH that he has to be untied so DH unties him and they say something to each other, this moment is strange, and makes me wonder if they are into some kind of bondage thing or something.
I do not even want to think about it and so I leave.
The next thing that I remember is walking outside and at the top of a slope in the parking lot I somehow see a comedy skit or something of some marionette puppets of some of the young characters from the television show Stranger Things and all of them are voiced and look somewhat like the actual characters except for the puppet of Louis who has two different skin tones and no voice, which I think is messed up but funny and strange.
After that in the distance at a Taco Bell-like place across the street I see a woman who looks like a thinner younger version of the actress Bryce Dallas Howard as a character like her character Lacie from the Black Mirror Season 3 episode Nosedive, and she has an axe and she is angrily and wildly hitting the glass wall / window with it trying to break it and with every hit there is a blood splatter but she can not break the glass.
In the parking lot of the shopping center ahead of me are some upper class young women hanging out being annoying and mean, they notice this too, and are worried at first.
But they soon realize that the woman is not real and that she can not break the glass, the woman seems to be either a spirit or ghost or digital clone of the real version of that woman who was somehow trapped in the glass or restaurant in a state of rage et cetera like a moment caught in time almost, and the story of this was explained in a forgotten dream.
The spirit or digital clone stops and wonders why blood keeps splattering when she hits the glass so she barely touches it and this still happens, she then seems to realize that she is trapped there and that she can not physically damage the glass, but then my attention and the young women’s attention is turned to an obese woman with light-color skin with maybe yellow / brown hair wearing a maybe lingerie wedding dress who falls in the parking lot.
The young women think that she is drunk after her wedding and they make fun of her outfit et cetera, as she is getting up I notice blood on her butt and / or groin, and I start to wonder if she was raped or something and then she angrily screams: Mother! and mumbles something else under her breath and she runs like she is trying to find her Mother to attack her like maybe she was responsible for whatever happened to her.
The young women call her a weirdo and laugh as she runs away angrily after her Mother or whoever.
The next thing that I remember is driving away from the shopping center / mall at night thinking or talking to someone who is possibly on the mobile phone or radio or something about a topic involving fictional television characters, and one character and topic makes me think of the character Alice Morgan from the television show Luther.
I talk about how I think that Alice had a variety of feelings toward the character John Luther, and that she loves him on several levels or in ways that many of us can not understand since she possibly lacks certain human emotions and possibly experiences things like that differently from most people.
I go in detail about this explaining how I see it and how it compares to the character and topic that they mentioned, it feels good to talk about this, and driving at night on this quiet road was nice too.
The next thing that I remember is somehow seeing an American man with light-color skin call his friends at night from a compound in Pakistan where a general or president or someone from that country lives, he feels safe there so far during his visit, and his friends joke that he could get drone striked by The United States.
The dream switches to a comedy skit that shows some intelligence agents and military officers et cetera partying in a command center inside The Pentagon guy, they decide to drone strike that compound in Pakistan for fun, and one of them pulls out a notepad with a vague description of where it is located but another says that he should just use Google Maps.
The first man asks why not use our multi-million or billion dollar system to find the coordinates, and the second guys replies that Google Maps is easier and he texts the location to the first man on his mobile phone which is a Google Maps link to the location that also has a street view of it.
They then quickly fake some evidence to have an excuse to drone strike the compound, and so they take some zoomed in photographs of chicken bones from the food that they were eating to make it seem like human bones to make it seem that the people at the compound were terrorist responsible for killing many people and piling their bones together.
They text the faked images to The President Of The United States who quickly gives them approval for the drone strike, they enter the Google Maps location in the system, and they press the button to do the drone strike.
The missile probably hits the compound as they watch on their screens and it blows up and they celebrate and continue partying, and the skit ends and I wake up.
The end,
-John Jr
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