Weekly Update #1

Hello everyone! I hope you’re all having an amazing week! It’s Friday and I decided I wanted to update you on what I’ve been reading and doing.

As far as books go, I have been reading the young adult A Totally 80’s Romance series from Addison Moore. I’m now on the second book in the series and I’m really enjoying it. Of all the decades in the last century, the 80s is by far my least favorite… besides the music, of course (which is what I grew up on thanks to my dad). But because my husband grew up in that era, he has brainwashed me and therefor I have become somewhat curious. They’re all companion novels and can be read as standalones, but I like to read them in order. They’re really cute and really funny (I could have sworn the “valley girl” talk started in the 90s because of Clueless but apparently not) and addicting. Although I’m not done with the series yet, I would definitely recommend these books for anyone looking for a good book to get them out of a reading slump or just want to enjoy a cute romance novel.

Currently, I am also listening to Amy Schumer’s The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo. I’m more than halfway through it and it is so good! I was expecting more comedy than there is, but I love this side to Amy. She’s very open and honest and I love how vulnerable she made herself seem in her memoir. I haven’t listen to an audiobook in sooo long but I got free credit on Audible so I figured I would take advantage and get some that I have been wanting to read for a while. The reason why I love the book so much, I think, is because it’s being read by the actual person who wrote it, which got me thinking that I think I would prefer listening to a biography more than Fiction or other genres because the experience of an audiobook is so much more personal when the person of which the book is about is actually reading it to you, the listener. This is just my opinion. I just started getting into audiobooks, so I’m sure I will change my mind the more I ease into it. I mean, I told myself I would never read on a tablet/eReader and now that’s all I read. I told myself I would never listen to audiobooks because I love sports radio and music too much, now look at me– that’s all I’ve been listening to!

But seriously, I love the convenience of an audiobook. I’ve been listening to it on the way to and from work/home, picking up my kids, during my lunch breaks at work… I will say though, had I been reading it, I probably would have been done with it by now, but that’s because I’m a very fast reader so I can’t complain too much about the pace of the reader.

Anyway, other than that, this week has been pretty mellow. Valentine’s day came and went like any other day in my household. Besides a very sweet surprise from my husband who brought flowers to my job and a nice and delicious dinner later that day, it was pretty calm. I’m not a Valentine’s day person (excuse me if I believe that because my birthday is in February, the month is all about ME) but my husband and I had just celebrated our anniversary (seven years strong, babyyy!) along with me and my son’s birthday so Valentine’s day is not exactly a holiday we’re particularly concerned about.

But so far February has been beautiful and mildly rainy and 2017 is off to a great start. What are you guys currently reading? Any fun plans for the weekend?


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