What To Do In a Fugue State

By Michael Gallo

Being in a fugue state, or experiencing dissociative fugue, is generally considered a negative experience in large part because of the amnesia, confusion about personality, and unconscious traveling. While that all seems like a quick and easy way to get hurt or in trouble, it can also be a good thing. With today’s fast-paced society and endless distractions, people are often dominated by their fears and anxieties. And while psychologists aren’t positive what causes dissociative fugue, it might not be such a bad idea to get into a fugue state the next time you need to get a lot done or want to try something you’ve been putting off. Here are a few things to try next time you find yourself in a fugue state.

1) See the Town

In the era of “Netflix and chill”, it seems like less people want to go out on the town and experience various clubs, bars, and pubs. Underlying social anxiety surely plays a small part in this, but those anxieties will quickly subside if you’re standing in the corner
drooling on yourself in a fugue state. Visit a disco club with friends, or go to that one rough pub you’ve been hearing about where an old man claims to be a modern day prophet. Maybe you’ve been wanting to hang out with that girl from work, but you’re too scared to ask her out. Invite her to that Mexican restaurant you’ve been too scared to try because six people have died from diarrhea. Fugue states are a great way to conquer your fears without being present in the moment. You’ll only know you ate at the restaurant when you find a receipt in your pants pocket in two months. Plus, if you’re normally a total asshole, there’s a chance the dissociated personality aspect of the disorder will make you a total blast!

2) Run Errands You’ve Been Avoiding

Going to the bank, picking up nails at the hardware store, or mailing stuff at the post office is all time-consuming and tedious. So put it off until a traumatic event puts you in a fugue state with your brain stuck in some sort of neuropsychological funk, an effect of which is you not caring that you’re wasting your entire day completing menial tasks.

3) Captain a Fishing Vessel in Dangerous Waters

If you’ve ever watched Deadliest Catch, then you know there’s money in fishing, but with the inherent dangers of the industry, it’s also a risky endeavor. If you’re in a fugue state and completely disconnected from the reality you’re experiencing, you won’t mind the sub-zero temperatures in the Bering Strait if you’re fishing for crab, or the pirates patrolling the waters of the Mediterranean while you try your hand at catching nets full of Striped Red Mullet. However, you’ll be pretty confused if you come to and your entire crew is dead.

4) Take in a Movie

The cost of seeing a movie has increased exponentially in the last 117 years, so it can be pretty disappointing when you shell out good money to see a piece of shit movie. That’s why I only see movies in a fugue state. I don’t remember even going to the theater, but in the event the movie sucks, I’m not upset because the hours of wandering around barefoot after the film will have more of an impact on my life than some awful movie. And if it’s good, it might come back in fragmented memories when a therapist tries to help me remember some of the other stuff I did so that I can build a defense for one of several ongoing trials I have as a result of the things I did while in the aforementioned fugue state.

Psychologists and other members of the mental health industry will try and convince you that psychological disorders are detrimental to your life. But when handled appropriately, they can make your mundane day-to-day activities a real blast! So next time you’re feeling a little apprehension or anxiety about something that needs to get done, try entering a fugue state and knock out your to-do list in a relaxed state of dissociation. You’ll be glad you did.

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