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Der Monstrumologe Und Die Insel Des Blutes (2013)

by Rick Yancey(Favorite Author)
4.28 of 5 Votes: 4
3785760825 (ISBN13: 9783785760826)
The Monstrumologist
review 1: Ugh! It is very rare to find a book that I crave reading all day long and cannot put down, especially a series that I cannot put down. This series is epic to me. And the Final Descent is in the mail and I am dying that it won't be here for another few days :( (even though I ordered it a week ago!)So this book deals with the Rot of the Stars (modern day zombies, is the best way to explain it, but way cooler/sicker) and traveling to Yemen, and kidnapping and murder, and a whole lot of crazy stuff. These books are all so touching and horrifying, sometimes in the same page, it's an easy 5-star book for me and a 5-star series. I wish there were more than 4 books!!
review 2: The most amazing and climactic of any of The Monstrumologst books, this book takes readers to
... more the highest peak of the world, and leads not only through monstrumology, but also through the human mind on a path of absolute desire. Readers will be gripping the edge of their seats at every turn,unable to close the book for even the slightest instant. An absolutely amazing ride through an absolutely amazing book that I would recommend to anyone, though... not the faint of heart less
Reviews (see all)
A great book. Creepy and mind blowing. Some slow parts but those don't last long.
Just...I have no words. Just read it. Now.
The best horror series ever!
Beautiful prose.
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