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Stepping On Roses, Volume 8 (2000)

by Rinko Ueda(Favorite Author)
4.05 of 5 Votes: 4
Stepping On Roses
review 1: When I saw this manga up on Edelweiss awhile back, I was intrigued. I had never read any of this series, and therefore did NOT know that this is the NEXT-TO-LAST VOLUME of the series. But, it looked like somethings I would like, so I gave it a chance. I don't regret that. I am now very interested in the series, and would love to read the 1st 7 volumes, and the final volume. This volume was provided to me by VIZ Media via Edelweiss as an eARC, in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.------------------------------ Sumi is between a rock and a hard place. Will she follow her heart, and stay with the once-rich-but-now-dirt-poor-and-homeless man she married, or will she abandon him to be with the super-rich jerk that is having her home torn d... moreown after having bought the land? Which is more important to our precious heroine, money or love? Of course, after the jerky Nozumu's proposition at the beginning of the volume, you would think that Sumi would steer clear of him, and run as far away from him as possible. But, you'd be wrong. As soon as things get a little tough for her beloved Soichiro, she goes running straight into the arms of the rich jerk. She does, however, grow a conscience and a bit of a heart after seeing her beloved have to work on the freight line along with the poor folks. And, she launches a plan to try to get him back in charge of the conglomerate, since she supposedly still loves him with all her heart. Will this crazy plan of hers work? Or, is it too late? Read the final volume to find out.
review 2: Since I was reading online, I'm not exactly sure where the story is but I think it's like this;Soichiro finally finds work but it's hardly enough to keep them going & when he gets sick, he's in terrible condition. eisuke gets him to a hospital & Nozomu keeps offering to provide for SUmi's family if only she'll marry him & become his wife - he constantly refuses at first but realizes that if she doesn't accept Nozomu's proposal, her siblings & Soichiro are going to starve to death. the hospital bill is paid off & unhappy, defeated, Sumi goes to Nozomu - creepy perv. Nozomu is still trying to finalize his divorce with Miu & he won't touch SUmi until that's done & he marries her. Sumi goes to see Miu, who hates her & tells her that is Sumi really is sorry for ruining her & Nozomu's chance at love, she'll jump off the cliff. Sumi does, & ends up in the water below - Komai is there to help & Miu finally believes Sumi & Sumi tells her that she doesn't want to marry Nozomu & that Miu should hold off on divorcing - rather, never divorce, so that Sumi & him can't marry.soichiro, poor guy, finally gets lucky. at work, someone notices that he can speak englidh & offers him a job as a trnaslator & when Nozomu & Sumi go to Hanako, or some place for a business meeting, there is Soichiro & the businessman!!! :DOmg, so that night, Nozomu tried to force himself on Sumi but she hit him in the head & ran off to SOichiro, seeking safety. Nozomu is prowling the hotel for Sumi & meanwhile, Sumi & Soichiro are unable to control their desire for each toehr & finally have sex!!! AHHHH! FINALLYYY!!!!!!! GOD, it was pretty hot!! :P Afterwards, there's pillow talk of course :P & Komai helps Sumi sneak away & back to Nozomu, who just seems confused - there is something wrong with him, seriously.And Nozomu, sneaky bastard that he is, is plannnig their wedding without SUmi's knowledge :O less
Reviews (see all)
Ah, I love this series so much! I don't know how Sumi does the things she does... she is so strong!
Well this got interesting. Wonder what will happen with the couple. Good volume.
Loved this manga. However, the ending was honestly a bit rushed.
Review of the entire series found at last volume....
Go get him, Sumi!!!Full review soon.
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