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Crossing Boundaries (2012)

by Sam Crescent(Favorite Author)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 4
Evernight Publishing
Cape Falls
review 1: I gave this book 3 stars, I have to admit even though it was a short reading it was a very interesting story. I felt so bad for Dean how he lost the woman that he love and his child. Even though he made a promise to her that he would never love again; That is a promise that is hard for someone to keep. Even though there were part that I couldn't quite get it and also the Fricking Diary thing was driving me crazy. But he was so sweet with Laura, but he never knew that Laura was in love with him. What bothered me more was how Laura family treated her after they found out what she was going on. It is true when they say small towns, everybody knows your business and the gossip keeps on coming. My motto is live your life and do not care what people say. You only have your... moreself to think if what you are doing is bad or good. Peter was a dear friend, even though he was in love with Laura he knew that she would never loved him. Love is love, it doesn't matter the age, creed, color, my god, I am sounding like an employee application, lol. But it is true. To the author, love your books, easy reading and understanding on what the story details. Bravo..
review 2: Just an eh book.. I was pleasantly surprised that over half of this book was done before they got down to "business" But once they did it really went downhill for me.. I could care less about the sex scenes and the first scene was so cold to me.. I didnt feel the intimacy between the two and I felt since she has loved him for so long and he was falling for her for so long it just should have been more personal but it wasnt. It was just about the sex. The ending was just eh to me too.. less
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I thought this book was really really good, doesn't matter what your age, they loved each other.
Interesting book. New author for me. Plan to read more.
It was ok but abit slow to start but lovely ending
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