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The Singapore School Of Villainy (2010)

by Shamini Flint(Favorite Author)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 4
0749929774 (ISBN13: 9780749929770)
Piatkus Books
Inspector Singh Investigates
review 1: The third installment of the Inspector Singh Investigates series has the curmudgeonly Inspector Singh investigating a high profile murder of an ex-patriate attorney at an international law firm in Singapore. He is under great pressure from his boss to solve the case quickly but is stymied longer than he normally is because of the never-ending leads and potential suspects, including a visiting relative from India who has a secret. This is the first book in the series set in Inspector Singh's home country and features a cameo appearance (albeit by phone) of a Malaysian police officer he worked with on a previous case. The tale is complex and well-written, and draws the reader in to Inspector Singh's world and Singaporean society. So far, I've found that these books could be ... moreread as stand alones but I've enjoyed reading them in order and look forward to reading the next one soon.
review 2: Inspector Singh is home in Singapore, which means that his boss can nag him at work and his wife at home. When an expatriate lawyer is killed in his office after hours, the security precautions seem to limit the suspects to the other partners in his law firm. Of course, his ex-wife and his current wife also come under suspicion. The lawyers seem to be falling over each other to act more suspiciously, and there's another death or two before Singh reveals who is guilty to his overwhelmed new assistant Constable Fong. less
Reviews (see all)
A solid series. Shamini Flint is a great story teller. Highly recommended.
Well-done murder mystery with good sketch of Singapore society.
Ugh. Didn't like the narrator and thus didn't get very far...
Loved it - a page turner.
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