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Destiny And Deception (2012)

by Shannon Delany(Favorite Author)
3.84 of 5 Votes: 3
0312624468 (ISBN13: 9780312624460)
St. Martin's Griffin
13 to Life
review 1: Pietr...WHAT HAPPENED !!! First of all this gets 41/2 stars. Now on to my review. PIETR WHAT HAPPENED !!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FUCKING BAD ASS PIETR !!!!!!!!!!! Here's the thing. Pietr said "Jess don't leave me." But it's more like he's leaving Jess in a way cause before Jess was Pietr's world, his light, his life. And now he's acting as if she's merely an annoyance. HE DOESNT EVEN FUCKING PAY ATTENTION TO HER WHEN BEFORE HE TOOK THE CURE ALL HE COULD THINK ABOUT WAS HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now he's completely ignoring her. And don't even get me started on Marlaena ! At first I kinda liked her but now that I've finished the book I fucking hate her !!!! And Gabriel like frigging captured Jess and now I'm just a mess. An... moreyways hopefully Pietr goes back to being a bad ass and Him and Jess can be together forever !!!
review 2: In this book the perspectives are split between Jessie, Alexi, and the new character Marlaena. Jessie and Pietr's love is put to the test after he makes a life changing decision that may remain permanent. Throughout this whole book all three characters are basically all in different stages of depression and it kind gets old really fast. Every time I was getting into one characters story it would switch back to another. Don't get me wrong, I know that those parts were essential to the story, but there were times when I wished for a fast-forward button. I hope the next book is better as far as action and pace. less
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All I got to said is WHAT!?!? IT DID NOT JUST ENDING LIKE THAT!?!?
i just couldnt get into it like i did the first three
Ending was very good. Can't wait till the last book!
I can't wait for the next book later this year
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