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I'm Just Like You (2000)

by Sharon Cramer(Favorite Author)
3.47 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Cougar Cub tales has a sweet premise.It’s about two orphaned Cougar Cubs who come across a bobcat. The cubs are wary of the newcomer because he looks different, but they soon learn to accept him despite all his differences.This story is set out in a rhyming style with pictures above each verse. My take on it?I have to admit I read this several times, to get the breaks into my head. The flow was a tad off in places for a rhyming tale and the rhymes rhymed inconsistently at times.The layout is tiny on the kindle version, the writing was titchy, and to add to that the punctuation was off in places.BUT I thought this was a very cute tale and I think any child would love it, young or old, the faults can be read around and of course the moral can’t be faulted.It just needs... more a minor edit.
review 2: I read this book to my daughter, and she really enjoyed it. I thought it was a very cute, interesting way to show children how they are not so very different once you look past the obvious. A few spots I felt dragged just a little, but my daughter didn't seem to feel the way at all. She LOVED the book- asking questions, pointing out things that she saw in the pictures, and just really getting involved in the story. I would highly recommend this for anyone with toddler to pre-school age children. less
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Ebook zadara s roztomilými obrázky a veršovaným příběhem o mláďatech pumy.
The premise was good but the execution poor and the artwork meh.
My three year old loves this book, great lesson!
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