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Treachery (2014)

by S.J. Parris(Favorite Author)
4.15 of 5 Votes: 4
0007481195 (ISBN13: 9780007481194)
Giordano Bruno
review 1: I did not know this book had been published but was delighted when I found it in Asia Books in Bangkok. The fourth in a series where the main character is the radical philosopher, ex-monk, and Walsingham spy, Giordano Bruno. After Bruno's last escapade, he is losing favor with Queen Elizabeth I and is trying to determine his next move. A murder aboard one of Sir Francis Drake's ships sets wheels in motion that surprise even the usually non-plussed Bruno. I finished this on the journey home, being unable to put it down.
review 2: Another good book by ms parries involving Giordano Bruno and Philip Sydney as the protagonists involved in the investigation of murder on one of Francis Drake's ships the author continues to entertain with her characters, keeping t
... morehem real and interesting, while making the plot fast paced . She throws in some romance and derring do to spice up the action making the read a bit more fun but it does.not detract from the main plot. All in all a good read. less
Reviews (see all)
Excellent! Couldn't put it down. Highly recommended.
very good series of books cant wait for number 5
Enjoyable plot, historical whodunnit, page turner.
Another entertaining Bruno novel
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