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Keep Me Safe (2000)

by Skye Warren(Favorite Author)
3.75 of 5 Votes: 3
Dark Erotica
review 1: Keep Me Safe (Dark Erotica #1)By: Skye Warren4/5 starsThis is a short, thriller of a read. If you like dark erotica, but the kind where a supposed tormentor becomes the savior, then pick this book up!Rachel, has obviously not had an easy life. She is used to being used and abused. Zachary, the man who has claimed her, to save her from a gang rape by many men, has to rape her in front of the other guys. Yet, he doesn’t get off on rape & has Rachel tell him that it’s okay before he enters her. Mindf*(k to the max. But he doesn’t hurt her while having dubiously consented sex, and that is odd to her.There are some twists and turns, not all is black and white or even shades of gray…maybe more like shades of bruises. I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Zachary & Rachel in t... morehe future. They were effed with enough in this book & suffered not only physically, but more so emotionally.
review 2: This book was extremely short - it literally took me no time at all to read. Overall, I didn't feel a connection to the book or its characters. I think the author did a poor job of helping the reader to get into their minds'. I am not sure if its because the book was so short? I must say I've read many other short books in which I still was able to fall in love with the characters and their story. Yes, this is not a love story. It is raw and dark and not meant to be flowers and happiness - but I still just didn't form enough of a connection to make me want to read the other books in the series. It wasn't the content - just merely not enough depth to the characters. less
Reviews (see all)
Holy cow that was the quickest scrambled mind I have ever had... I am dizzy! In to book 2...
Never thought I would say this, but...too much. Interesting. But still. Too much
Emotionally intense and slightly brutal.
Mind fuck
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