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Girl On Top (2011)

by Skye Warren(Favorite Author)
3.01 of 5 Votes: 3
Skye Warren Erotica
Fem Dom
review 1: This was not my kind of story. I never bought into the connection between the two leads. Wyle was an average guy that had just went through a divorce feeling fragile himself he isn't exactly the stuff in this story. So when he gets a blind date with Melissa and she is asking him in and trekking him whatever you like, well that power goes to his head and at the same time he thinks he's doing what she wants after all she said whatever you want. He treats her as he thinks she wants to be treated, which turned out to be p pretty bad I guess. Melissa never complains and it bothers him so he seeks her out and she turns the tables on him. she becomes his Domme and he likes it. (this happened to quickly considering there just playing these roles) Now it seems things are good they ... moreare now even and they actually have a normal date and sex without any extra distractions. Wyle then had a conversation with the woman who set up his date and he gets the impression that Melissa wanted to date him and he can't figure out why unless she was after his money. He looses his nut and goes off the deep end. Melissa had an ulterior motive for hooking up with him but it's not what he thinks. So once again turn about is fair play and Melissa is given the option to even up the score. I can only wonder what this means for their future. Very dysfunctional relationship. Love never played a hand in this.
review 2: A guy in his 40′s going out with a hot girl much younger than he is, sounds lucky? He’s insecure and has a tiny problem in the bedroom… but guess what, the sweet girl he’s dating turns out to be more than just sweet, she has just the right cure for him.Lucky bastard, that’s what I was thinking when I read it.Melissa is very believable, adorable and damn fuckable. The whole story was convincing and genuine. I enjoyed it a lot and finished reading it in a very quick go. The BDSM elements were light and not forced at all, good job, Ms. Warren. I’ll be checking you out again.5 out of 5 stars in my book. less
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Meh- not my style. Characters not particularly believable, could't really get into it.
It was alright. Passed the time. I'm glad it was free.
This is a FREEbie!!
waste of money
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