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The Telling Error (2014)

by Sophie Hannah(Favorite Author)
3.7 of 5 Votes: 4
0340980753 (ISBN13: 9780340980750)
Hodder & Stoughton
review 1: A very good read, there are not many books that keep me guessing who did what till so late in the story. I found Nikki's character very interesting. I would have liked more exploration on her backstory, her relationship with her brother and parents and I think reading about the fallout afterwards would have been good. I found the snippets about the police officers characters and relationships that were not fully explained annoying. The reader is expected to know the characters as it's number nine in a series, however I just picked it up by chance thinking it was a stand alone novel.
review 2: I know when I read Sophie Hannah that I am going to be sucked in from page one and that my mind is not going to be allowed to wander until I have reached the last page and
... more shut the book with a satisfied, 'Wow!'. Not many authors can consistently do this, but then Sophie Hannah is not any author. She delivers once again with this amazing book. Sharp prose, a brilliant puzzle and a spectacular denouement. Enjoyed it. Cannot wait for her next. less
Reviews (see all)
I was enjoying it up until the slightly ridiculous explanations and cartoonish villain at the end..
Not my favourite of Sophie Hannah's books, but I always find her deliciously chilling to read!
Bit long winded but some clever twists.
Good read, Sophie Hannah at her best!
Gripping as ever
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