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Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide To Finding And Fixing Usability Problems (2009)

by Steve Krug(Favorite Author)
4.06 of 5 Votes: 2
0321657292 (ISBN13: 9780321657299)
New Riders Publishing
review 1: Книга, яку варто прочитати кожному, хто хоче покращити свій продукт. Дуже просто "на пальцях" розказує як проводити тестування власного продукту. Книга практично проводить за руку через весь процес, надає всі потрібні документи та настанови, для усіх учасників процесу. Must-read for UX guys.
review 2: Just perfect for getting you started with usability testing!This incredibly practical book is full of brilliant insights (based on broad professional experience) and the best how-to-put-this-to-actual-practise-without-devoting-a-century-to-it ad
... morevices. All the information you need to get a confident start in usability testing is nicely served in a neat dish for you here. All you have to do is take it in and do some actual testing yourself.If you’re in for it, don’t have any doubts - Steve Krug’s books are your first-class express tickets to the usability world! :) less
Reviews (see all)
This book proves that there's really no reason NOT to do usability testing.
Great if you're currently testing. Not so great if you're not.
A decent book on budget usability testing.
Recommended by running lean author
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