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The Forbidden Stone (2014)

by Tony Abbott(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 5
006219447X (ISBN13: 9780062194473)
Katherine Tegen Books
The Copernicus Legacy
review 1: I enjoyed this book. The characters were interesting and contrasting; not quite your normal stereotypes. The story was interesting, and while it had somewhat of a slow start, the characters made me not really mind that very much. There were enough of those surprising or shocking moments, but, unlike most books written today, there were less, so each one was more satisfying. Overall great book. (Oh, and if there are going to be twelve and only two are out so far, I hate the author). Can't wait to read the second!
review 2: Wade, Lily, Darrel, Becca y el padre de Wade, Roald, viajan a Berlin para despedir a un viejo amigo, tío Henry. Para cuando descubren que ha sido asesinado por una Orden cuya mision es construir una maquina del tiempo diseñada por Coper
... morenico, se han transformado en los guardianes de las 12 reliquias desperdigadas por todo el globo que son las piezas para este extraordinario artefacto. La lider de la persecusión es una hermosa y letal joven con ojos de distinto color que carga en el cuello dos gemas que encierran un animal mitologico. Hay muchos rompecabezas, mapas celestiales, códigos y pistas que deben resolver para llegar al final de la aventura. Para amantes de Percy Jackson. less
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We loved this book! Carrie-Belle and I can't wait for the next one!!
a mystery that would have been better if it was half the length
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