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Blood And Iron (2010)

by Tony Ballantyne(Favorite Author)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 2
0230738613 (ISBN13: 9780230738614)
Pan Macmillan
review 1: Okay I was not into this book after I read the beginning intro. I waited until last to read it out of the group of books I grabbed because of it. When I finally settled down to read it I was not ready for the actual story. It didn't grab me as fast as some but once it did I was not ready to put the book down. The characters are unique and the story moves along quickly enough to keep the pace but not to fast to feel like you are missing something. I want to read more about this world. I also want to read more by this author just because of the style he uses.
review 2: I found this second installment better than the first. The first ("Twisted Metal") read more like a fairy-tale than a novel. This one immerses the reader more in the strange world of the Penrose ro
... morebots. Much still doesn't make sense: like how robots can construct themselves from raw metal using nothing but a forge and their hands; or how they can operate with no power source; or how their minds can function, being made of nothing but twisted wire. However this time it is acknowledged that these are Big Questions and not just background. Humans make an appearance, and the mysteries of how the robots came to be and what they are destined for are advanced but not solved. I only wonder if the author intends to finish this tale. less
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Good book. It is an interesting concept
Where is part three?
Pretty good
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