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Lindbergh: The Tale Of A Flying Mouse (2014)

by Torben Kuhlmann(Favorite Author)
4.31 of 5 Votes: 3
0735841675 (ISBN13: 9780735841673)
review 1: The old world has become too dangerous a place for a mouse with all its traps, owls, and cats. So, like the humans, they immigrated to the new world, only, one was left behind. Feeling lonely and afraid, this little creature sets out to cross the vast ocean to join his brethren. By using the bats as inspiration, he sets out to create an airplane. After going through many designs, and failed test flights, he finally builds one that works, narrowly escaping the claws of his enemies. Every image is lovingly drawn in a realistic fashion. The mouse is incredibly cute, and clear thought was put into how he could physically accomplish these tasks. This tale of a flying mouse uses the historical figure of Lindbergh as a basis. In this way it is part realism and part fantasy. Befor... moree his famous flight, Lindbergh was an unknown pilot, so the author chose the most underdog of creatures to likewise achieve the impossible. While there is little "fact" in the story, the back does include some biographical data on early flight. Like the original Lindbergh tale, little Lindbergh's story is inspirational. Both the text and illustrations overflow with the heroism of this determined, intelligent mouse, and you can't help but root for him every step of the way.
review 2: WHAT an adorable story! Little mouse has to get out of Europe and fast! His friends are dying from a new contraption called the mouse trap. There is dangers at every turn with his vessels of choice so mechanical engineer mouse comes up with a new vessel and makes mousy history and influences a young boy to greatness. Everything about this book was cute...EVERYTHING! The illustrations were creative, unique and just downright cute. Def. one that I will be purchasing for future grandkidlets! less
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Most highly recommended. A truly beautiful book. Final review TK.
Such beautiful illustrations! A must read for fans of airplanes.
Second grade and up. Awesome illustrations and a great story.
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