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Hijos Del Miedo (2012)

by Trevor Shane(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 5
Children of Paranoia
review 1: Novela de Young Adult canónica, con sus protas jóvenes enfrentados a un mundo cruel y terrible del que no son responsables (aunque pronto lo serán), sus dosis de romance, sexo, aventura y violencia y su moraleja final ("la guerra es MUUUUU maaaala, niños"). El planteamiento, que no describiré porque para eso está la contraportada del libro, no deja de ser original y eso la salva de la mediocridad. Por lo demás, perfectamente olvidable.
review 2: Children of Paranoia” is one of those books that I normally wouldn’t have picked up, simply because it is a bit outside of my normal reading genres. Trevor Shane weaves a tale that is both extraordinary and believable, keeping the reader turning pages in an effort to find out what happens next.The emotion in
... more“Children of Paranoia” is strong, real, and raw. Never would I have guessed that I would ever care for an assassin, but Trevor made me do it. He wrote Joseph in such a way that you simply couldn’t help but feel for the guy. Growing up in the world that Trevor created forced Joe into most of the situations he found himself in, which made it easier for me to connect with him. At the same time, he was an assassin! Going along with Joe on his “jobs” was definitely a different experience for me and made the story even more gripping.This novel is written from an interesting angle. First person POV, but written as though Joe is writing in a journal to Maria. I found this to be a refreshing and fun way to read. Maybe because that’s how I would probably write, maybe because it was almost like listening to Joe tell his story, but either way, it was a great break from the normal.“Children of Paranoia” was one of those books that you don’t want to end but you can’t wait to find out what happens next. I definitely recommend this read for anyone who likes suspense. less
Reviews (see all)
Fucking sequels.....why can't anything just end before it gets stupid anymore?
I had a hard time getting into it but I couldn't put it down towards the end!
When's book 2?
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