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Sun On Fire (2009)

by Viktor Arnar Ingólfsson(Favorite Author)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 4
1477823123 (ISBN13: 9781477823125)
review 1: When a man is discovered murdered in the Icelandic embassy in Berlin, Icelandic detectives are sent to investigate. There suspects quickly become the ambassador and six after hours dinner guests. The trail leads back to Iceland and a fire that claimed the life of a young woman decades earlier and pedophilia. This was an English translation of a police procedural from Iceland and is a compelling read. It was a free review copy.
review 2: This was a fun book. The story was improbable but had lots of really probable human suffering and drama. Would a criminal be so accommodating as to provide a monologue of all the details of the deed and also the motive? The author uses that device, and it works with his style of telling a story. I love too how he weaves in c
... moreomical images of the quirky detectives and police technicians. It was a book that I could not put down and that I read quickly. less
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Very much enjoying the Icelandic crime genre off whom Ingolfsson is at the top of the tree
Viktor er mun betri glæpasagnarithöfundur en margir aðrir sem hampað er.
Listened to the audiobook. Complex and rewarding thriller.
Icelandic Police procedural, held my interest!
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