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Three Of Diamonds (2000)

by W. Ferraro(Favorite Author)
4.21 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Wes has a side few know about not even his best friends, when he sees Lola for the first time there is something about her he just can get out of his mind. For Lola though the first time he sees her is not the first time shes' seen this golden Adonis. As each time he sees her his attraction grows so does his frustration over why she so adamantly avoids him, until he sees her on his "mountain". Using everything hes got is it enough to attract his beautiful Goddess?With each Hamdon novel my enjoyment for the series grows. Love seeing the character's from before as well as new one's come in where you can see what has happened with them as well as the unfolding story of the newest couple. Enjoyed Wes's secret life unfold and Lola's passion for her brother and his extra chromos... moreome. Enjoyed the shout out to down syndrome throughout this story.
review 2: Someone get me a fan. The Hamden Hotties continue to get hotter with each book! Wes Thompson has two lives. One he lives day to day life with his friends and family and another that is a secret. This is his life as Adonis, God of desire. A life that is his release. A part of his life that allows him to work out his kink that he enjoys without judgement, with no ties. A part of his life that he thinks he cannot trust anyone with...until her.Lola is the feisty new bartender in town that has all the right curves and all the men are taking notice. I loved her spunk, I loved that she had some meat on her bones and I admired the fact that she took in her brother and cared for him despite been a kid herself and having little money.When Wes and Lola finally came together (pun intended) "blue to gray" it was fabulous. They made for a great hot and cold couple. When they were "cold" they were funny bickering back and forth, you continued to root for them knowing they are perfect for each other. When they were "hot", they were on fire. Woof. Sign me up for that bucket list!Sweet Jesus who is moving to Olympus...I mean Hamden with me? My bags are already packed! less
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fanfuckingtastic Wes you are the mannnnnnnn
My favorite of the three books!
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