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The Last Days Of Ptolemy Grey (2010)

by Walter Mosley(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 4
1594487723 (ISBN13: 9781594487729)
Riverhead Hardcover
review 1: Walter Mosley is a new writer (to me). I've now read several of his books, but this one deserves a review. The title character is 91 years old, and is suffering early-onset dementia. He knows there is something he should do but he can't remember what it is. But then he gets help from a young woman who introduces him to a doctor who provides medicines to help him with his memory, and remembers what it is he should do. All of this sounds fairly dull, but the novel is anything but pedestrian. Put Mosley's detective fiction aside (Easy Rawlins, Leonard McGill), and read Ptolemy. It's a fascinating look at a stage of life that lies ahead for many of us.
review 2: Didn't want to put it down. This is only the second novel by Mr Mosley that I've read and so it is still
... more taking me some time to get used to the dialect of the Colored folk, but the story was rich, and I became to like "Uncle Grey" very much. Throughout the book were little gems about life and love to ponder, and those make any work worth reading to me. My favorite quote is when Ptolemy said to Robyn: "When I think about you my heart hurts and laughs." less
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A very wonderful surprise! Traveling with Mr. Grey was a joy. I can't recommend this book enough!
I actually read the "audioBook". It was really good :)
Love reading Walter's books!!everyone is great.
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