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Het Godinnenoffer (2014)

by Aimee Carter(Favorite Author)
4 of 5 Votes: 3
9034787621 (ISBN13: 9789034787620)
Harlequin Holland
Goddess Test
review 1: This book was purely mediocre for me. The entire series is a pretty quick, easy read, but this book - and to some extent the last book - just sort of lost it for me. There will be spoilers - beware!a) I don't think that Henry and Kate are that great together. I know I'm in the minority on this one, but they struggle to communicate, are very different maturity-wise, and it doesn't seem like Henry loves Kate in the same overpowering way that Kate loves Henry, until he says he's sorry and everything is perfect between them suddenly. I know that there are a lot of different types of love, but it really frustrated me to see Kate crying so much over a guy who wouldn't give her the time of day, and losing a lot of her independence for love. Then, it was unrealistic for everythin... moreg to be solved between them so neatly. b) The conflicts were confusing, often short, and rarely that complex. I could see clearly that Ms. Carter was setting up cliffhangers, surprises, and so on, and they just kind of...flopped. Several times when Kate "realizes" something, I found myself thinking: "Wait, what? She didn't already know that?" I doubt this is what the authoress was going for. c) I hate, hate, hate, HATE books where the VERY YOUNG protagonist has a baby. I have NEVER read a YA book where the author knew how to handle this, both with the maturity of their character and the role of the baby in the book. The most popular example of this is, of course, Twilight, but I think it's becoming more frequent in this genre. Rather than pregnancy and baby be a plot device, what about actually exploring your character's strengths and weaknesses and having them change internally, without an enormous life change take place? Or if you do want a life event, why don't you make it one that teens actually experience - death, friendship, or college? And if you do give your MC a baby, do it realistically, and make sure she's maturing in a way that's appropriate to the significance of the life event. But I digress. d) This book was absolutely Kate centric. I get that she's the MC, but I lost a lot of empathy for the other characters because they were buried under a pile of Kate's emotions. Lots of times, Kate would be upset about something (*cough* Henry *cough*) that was totally irrelevant to the larger conflict in the book (*cough* Titian on the loose *cough*), and I didn't get to hear the opinions of the minor characters on this larger issue because Kate was so worried about her opinions on a much more minor issue. e) The world building was excellent, and the research was also impeccable. I appreciated greatly the amount of time and effort Ms. Carter put into the book, even if there were changes I would have made.
review 2: I didn't think it would be possible, but this series got progressively worse. Ugh!This book was awful. Kate waffled all the time. One minute she hates a character & the next she loves them. She really didn't grow as a character. I really really really hated her!!! Kate is one of those characters that is too stupid to live.Honestly, I have no idea why the author took us down the roads she did. The series would have been better if she focused on the challenges in ruling the Underworld.Save precious hours of your life & do not under any circumstances read this book!! Don't let my suffering have been for nothing!! less
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I was confused a lot, but kept me interested to read all the way through!
A great conclusion to this series!
Awesome book!
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