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Holy Warrior (2010)

by Angus Donald(Favorite Author)
3.98 of 5 Votes: 2
0751542091 (ISBN13: 9780751542097)
Little Brown Book Group
The Outlaw Chronicles
review 1: A very good book, but I did find it started to drag a little in the middle which lost my interest for a while. Fortunately, it picked up again and headed full steam to a thrilling conclusion. I do enjoy this brutal, cold Robin or, in this case, Robert, Earl of Locksley, who has been forced into the Third Crusade due to events at the end of the first book. Not sure if I'll move onto the next book immediately, but I look forward to reading it, especially as the characters will be back in England and not on an occasionally boring journey to the Holy Lands.
review 2: I read the first book in the series earlier this year and really enjoyed it. I thought I might have forgotten some of the characters but you are gently re-introduced to them all, so no problem. If I th
... moreought the first book was brutal and violent this goes up another level and right from the very start. The story eventually takes Robin Hood (a real nasty piece of work) and his not-so merrie men on Richard the First's crusade, where death is omnipresent and valour, honour and gallantry are nowhere to be seen. It did drag a little at times and sometimes repetitive, but the battle scenes are very descriptive and the sub-plots keep the whole thing going between the lulls of the many battles. less
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Personaly I did not enjoy this as much as the first one, but still a very good read.
A very good sequel to "Outlaw," the first in the series. Give it 4 stars.
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