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De Voyeur (2008)

by Brian Freeman(Favorite Author)
4.04 of 5 Votes: 1
The House of Books
Jonathan Stride
review 1: Another great book by one of my very favorite authors. Another Jonathan Stride novel that delves more into his past, and that of his late wife and her family.As long as Mr. Freeman keeps writing, I will keep reading. I only wish his books were easier to come by. My library doesn't carry too many, and there is always Amazon, but I am always on a budget......Keep up the good work Mr. Freeman!
review 2: I enjoyed this book almost up to the end. Before I got to the end I worked out who done it and felt that it was a letdown. From that point I speed read just to get it over with. It is suspenseful and a good thriller but I just felt the resolution was too farfetched and not very satisfying. It won't stop me reading more of Brian Freeman's books though, so long as
... more he doesn't rely on this type of ending too often. less
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Good book. One of the "twists" was a tad cliché and I saw it coming but over all I enjoyed it.
WOW! Outstanding. Best in series so far. Great book.
Same book as THE WATCHER
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