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Ciudad De Las Almas Perdidas (2012)

by Cassandra Clare(Favorite Author)
4.32 of 5 Votes: 4
The Mortal Instruments
review 1: I LOVE this Book. It made me so sad, because of what Sebastian did to all these people, especially Jace.Let me explain: Sebastian is evil and he wanted/wants to take ove the World and after he wrecked havok in a lot of lives and tried his best to ruin people's lives, especially Jace, Or might I say Clary and Jace's life. Their life together as a couple. Clary followed Jace around after Sebastian changed him into a different Jace. Clary followed because of her love for Jace and even though Jace wasn't who he originally is, Clary stayed by his side, because of Sebastian.It is sad at the fact that this one individual didn't seem to care at all that Jace's friends and family had to put their lives to a halt to save him from what he turned out to be. Then at the end with all sa... moreid and done Sebastian was once again destroyed or just gotten rid of at the moment.I hope whoever has been reading this Series enjoys this Book as good as I did.
review 2: So i finished this book and I would like to congratulate myself for surviving again this part of the series without damaging my book. I am this close in throwing it at the other side of the room because of Sebastian! Ughhhh. I hate it but I still like his character.So what hapened to Magnus and Alec?! UGH!!!! I am so mad and frustrated that they broke up!!!! I thought they would stay till the end of this series. Sht. I hate them broking up!!!! I can't wait for the last book, but I don't want rhis to end! less
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Out of the first 5 books, this is one of the better ones. However, there was one big thing that drove me bananas throughout the whole book. It seems like the author had just discovered the words "incredulous" and "incredulously." I bet she used these words 200 times. Couldn't she have gotten a thesaurus and found a variety of words to use? Part of me wants to re-read this book just to count the number of times she uses the words. It bothered me....a lot.
Clary wants to get her boyfriend, Jace, back! He is bound to her brother which means if she kills him then Jace dies! And jace is under her brothers control! Clary couldn't give up so she goes with her brother and Jaces telling them that she has joined the dark side! Clary finds out that her plan of spying on her brother was a fail from the beginning!! City of Lost Souls is about adventure, love, and courage.
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