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Désir Et Vanité (2014)

by Cecilia Grant(Favorite Author)
3.71 of 5 Votes: 1
2290091197 (ISBN13: 9782290091197)
J'ai Lu
Blackshear Family
review 1: Un troisième tome tout aussi bon que les deux premiers. Encore une fois la romance n'est pas transcendée mais réaliste. L'héroïne a un caractère qui pourra en déstabiliser plus d'un mais c'est ce qui fait son charme. Le héros quant à lui n'est pas un super mâle alpha mais un homme avec ses points forts et ses faiblesses. Une nouvelle fois, la plume de Cecilia Grant m'a transportée et j'ai adoré cette histoire avec une romance plus adulte, plus réaliste et indéniablement moins fleur bleue.
review 2: As several other reviewers have noted, this book is beautifully written, with great attention to the nuances of social relationships. It's been compared to Jane Austen's works, and I can see why--delicate dissection of word and deed by two characters wh
... moreo are exquisitely sensitive to the perception of others.While I very much enjoyed the hero, Nick Blackshear, I had a more difficult time warming to Kate, the heroine. She's anxious to improve her social standing, having grown up with parents who married against convention. I was annoyed with Kate for taking so long to recognize Nick's wonderful qualities and found her (almost) slavish desire for social acceptance wearing.But I'll definitely continue to read Cecelia Grant. Perhaps she'll find a partner for Viola? less
Reviews (see all)
I couldn't really get past the fact that I didn't like the heroine.
It took me a while to get into it but I enjoyed it,
By far my favorite of her books.
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