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Thwarted Queen (Thwarted Queen Book 3) (2011)

by Cynthia Sally Haggard(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 1
Spun Stories Press
review 1: Thwarted Queen is historical account of Cecylee, Duchess of York. It's told from her point of view and the impact she had on history. I often found at times the listing of the many historical and imagined characters boring. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the story or the characters because I did. Cecylee is very much a driven and determined person who doesn't let anyone stand in her way. The title of this book is aptly named to say the least. Cecylee was definitely The Thwarted Queen.
review 2: Thwarted Queen is another great book about Cecylee (Cecily) Neville and her brush with the throne of England. Written in an engaging voice, you are able to feel as if you are living in her shoes. Cecylee Neville was known as the "Rose of Raby". Both her mother and her
... morefather indulged her and she was known for speaking her mind and taking no guff, so much so that she was given the nickname "Proud Cis". As the wife of a regent and the mother of kings, she make her share of mistakes, but still masterfully manipulated much from behind the scenes. However, she had to live with the consequences of those actions and some brought her utter heartbreak. In a time when women were property and were there only to give her husband male heirs and daughters to barter way, Cecylee did her share of breeding, but also had a shrewd mind and sharp insights. The characters in Thwarted Queen were very developed with great personality and really brought history to life. less
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I always love reading historical fiction from the point of view of the women behind the throne.
Review to come tomorrow!
Love this book.
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