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The Best American Science And Nature Writing 2012 (2012)

by Dan Ariely(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 1
0547799535 (ISBN13: 9780547799537)
Mariner Books
review 1: I can't get enough of these books. As always, a fascinating selection of articles. Learned about the science of crowd catastrophes, people who compete in Turing test competitions, human pheromones, and turning on certain genes in modern organisms to express ancestral traits. The most interesting piece had to be "The Brain on Trial", where David Eagleman dismantles free will and identity, showing how ambiguous and problematic it can be to make any sort of legal decision, and then discusses how we can use neuroscience to come up with more informed legal decisions. Of course I will be reading 2014's edition as soon as it comes out.
review 2: I love the Best American Science and Nature series. The articles they choose are almost always fascinating. Sometimes the sc
... moreience is a little suspicious, but as quick entertaining bits before bed they cannot be beaten. In this volume, the only story that I thought was a dud was the story on nano-Computers. Other than that there is Vat Meat, the food obsessed former Microsoft guy and his 1000000 page book on molecular gastronomy, a guy trying to reverse engineer a dinosaur from chickens, and all kinds of other interesting stories. less
Reviews (see all)
This book had some interesting pieces in it and some that were as dull as a rusty knife.
An excellent collection this year with enough ick and wow to keep you reading.
Except for three articles, it was excellent--fun, interesting, and helpful.
Really a wonderful read.
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