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Nástroje Temnoty (2009)

by Imogen Robertson(Favorite Author)
3.74 of 5 Votes: 5
Crowther and Westerman
review 1: The first book in a mystery series from a new author, Instruments of Darkness combines two historical fiction trends I've been enjoying lately, the educated Victorian woman who solves mysteries and the anatomist/doctor who also solves mysteries. In this case it is Georgian England, but the ideas are the same, two people who do not fit in the roles their society has given them. The story has people hiding from their pasts, living under assumed names, fighting in the American Revolution, and London riots, as well as country village life giving the reader a variety of microcosms to learn about. This may be more of a 4 star than 5 star book, but I went forcthechighercrating because she is a first time author.
review 2: Liked it well enough to give the 2nd book in t
... morehe series a chance. If there's better character development there, then I'll consider completing the series. Definitely want to see more of Daniel Clode and Rachel Trench. I actually felt that they were the characters who had the most potential to be interesting.Unlike some other reviewers, I actually liked the back and forth of the plot. It wasn't entirely apparent to me from the beginning where the stories would intersect and I enjoyed the moment when it came together for me. However, it quickly became clear that a problem with this particular mode of storytelling is that Robertson gave away too much info too soon. About halfway through the book, I knew what part most of the characters were playing and all that was really left to figure out was what would lead to the final resolution. less
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It was okay, a good plot and engaging characters, but not sure I want to continue with the series
It was quite good read. I liked the characters and the intrigue.
good mystery
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