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Stones: Data (2013)

by Jacob Whaler(Favorite Author)
3.96 of 5 Votes: 4
0989704416 (ISBN13: 9780989704410)
Jacob Whaler
review 1: Gotta say I really enjoyed this one. It's very well written. The world he created was fantastic and well described. Well developed characters and an action packed plot kept me turning the pages long after I should have gone to bed. I even resorted to the text to speech so I could get farther into the story while driving. Not quite an audio book, but when you've gotta keep going, it'll do in a pinch. Loved the concept behind the stones and the inevitable clash between those with differing ideas of how that power should be harnessed. I'll be sure to continue on reading this series. Great sci-fi thriller.
review 2: I am not normally a big fan of the fantasy/science fiction genre, so this book was a very pleasant surprise, especially as a Kindle freebie. The settin
... moreg was futuristic, but not so otherworldly that it would diminish the storyline or characters. The author did a great job of depicting scenes that were easy and fun to visualize. Good balance between character development and action. I will read the other books in this series. less
Reviews (see all)
Very original. I look forward to the others in the series.
Very intriguing. Looking forward to book 2
Enjoyable & no uncomfortable intimacy.
Interesting and original story.
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