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Highland Scandal (2009)

by Julia London(Favorite Author)
3.68 of 5 Votes: 5
141654710X (ISBN13: 9781416547105)
Pocket Books
The Scandalous Series
review 1: This one was so much better than the first in the series! I was frankly wondering why I'd saddled myself with this trilogy as I found the first truly a bit of a slog. This one was simply enjoyable entertainment. The good guy's a good guy, and all's well that ends well... If I have a hesitation it would be that the hero's control slips and although I've nothing against spicey scenes, this seemed rather out of character for Lizzie and the whole situation. Fun read.
review 2: I never liked the heroine, Lizzie. From the start she came across as an unreasonable shrew who might, if she had just stopped to think for two seconds, have made far better decisions. I also didn't like her instant dislike of Jack, and her failure to empathize with his situation. Possibly for
... more that reason, I never found the passion between these two to be particularly believable. It felt forced to me. less
Reviews (see all)
Made it to chapter 11 and still boring. Whiny, annoying heroine. Skipping it.
Funny, smart, and endearing characters and a romance to boot. Great book.
Geregetan ama terjemahannya, buku yg harusnya bagus jadi rusak!
Not sure why I gave it 3 stars, I can not remember the ending!
slow beginning but fun ending.
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