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The Year Of Living Scandalously (2010)

by Julia London(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 1
1439175454 (ISBN13: 9781439175453)
Pocket Books
The Secrets of Hadley Green
review 1: I liked this book but I didn't love it. The pace of it started off really slow, and because of that it really felt too long. There were also several errors, the most grievous being the mixing up of names. There were at least 3 instances where Lily was used instead of Lucy, sometimes even in the same paragraph. I also don't understand how Keira and Declan got so much alone time without there being rumors or her being compromised. It made for a good romance, but it didn't really make sense for the time period.
review 2: Really wish I could give this 3.5 stars... It doesn't rank a 4, but 3 is too low. This is the first book I've ever read by this Author, and I liked it quite a bit. The writing was good, but the characters were a little annoyingly stubborn and repe
... moretitive. The same thoughts ran through their heads over and over again, but not enough to deter me from reading it. In fact, I hopped right into book 2 mere seconds after finishing this one. The mystery is one I'd like to see unraveled. less
Reviews (see all)
This is one of the better fluff reads! I am actually excited to read on.... this is so rare for me!
“this kept my attention -- not a fantastic book or anything, but passable.”
A really fun read that leaves you anticipating the next in the series. :)
Did not finish. Lost interest in the convulsed plot and hidden identity.
Loved the Audio!
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