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Bad Intentions (2008)

by Karin Fossum(Favorite Author)
3.52 of 5 Votes: 4
1846552923 (ISBN13: 9781846552922)
Harvill Secker
Inspector Konrad Sejer
review 1: I have to agree with others who have said that this book is not up to Fossum's usual high standards. The shifting narrative points of view she has used to such good effect elsewhere feel routine this time, and the plot itself is rather unimaginative. One of the things I like about Fossum's approach to detective fiction is that she doesn't let her recurring characters - the detectives - overwhelm the stories, but this time they are too peripheral to the action.
review 2: sejer investigates why 1 of 3 friends would drown self in lake; whole story: 3 friends drove drunk boy home, but put him in their trunk so he w/n get sick in car; boy dies alchohol poisoning in truck; they dump body in lake; guilt: first jon takes wkd from asylum & commits suicide in lake - ju
... moremps off boat as rowing after midnight, 2 friends do nothing to save him; then axel, ringleader drinks cognac laced w/overdose intended for Reilly (by reilly) who confesses all. Axel dies respitory failure -was going to kill Reilly. Axel root of all - is sociopathic manipulator. Sad story of boys panicked over alchohol death of minor; bad decisions lead to bad things less
Reviews (see all)
I like the series very much. Have read all of them and recommend without any reservation.
Karin Fossum is a very entertaining author. Inspector Sejer Series very good.
Very much a character study!. Enjoyed it
I really like her books.
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