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The Water's Edge (2007)

by Karin Fossum(Favorite Author)
3.71 of 5 Votes: 3
0151014213 (ISBN13: 9780151014217)
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Inspector Konrad Sejer
review 1: This is the 8th Inspector Sejer mystery (for some reason the 7th,"The Murder of Harriet Krohn"--originally published in Norway in 2004--is just coming out in America this year). I couldn't set it down, and yet it was disappointing in many ways. The book takes place over nearly a year, and is slow and talky. The crime involves pedophilia, and Sejer and his sidekick Skarre have lengthy philosophical / psychological discussions about pedophiles and their backgrounds and motives. There is little about their personal lives; it's a cop story all the way. I couldn't figure out why Sejer didn't have a picture of the first "person of interest" created and disseminated (he did so in "Black Seconds"); this would have speeded things up considerably. I was also surprised at his r... moreeluctance to warn one of the mothers about her boyfriend's past crimes. The "witness" couple who find the first child are both unpleasant, the husband overbearing and shady, the wife (who we are apparently supposed to sympathize with) weak. Not one of Fossum's better, more well-rounded novels, and not for those who don't like their mysteries graphic and disturbing.
review 2: Another good book by Karin Fossum and I am glad that I have found an author finally after Christie whose work I could read in row and would not get bored. The book was bit hard for me as it dealt with child abduction and pedophilia and I kept hoping Fossum could be more like Ruth Rendell as later simply seems incapable of writing sad endings when it comes to plots relating to children related crimes (How I love her for that!!!!). Despite the gruesome crime part in her plots, I simply love Fossum's work as she is very good at depicting human emotions. I would not go into writing what happens and who did it as readers can read blurb. Rather I would recommend her work to every good mystery lover. less
Reviews (see all)
I like the series very much. Have read all of them and recommend without any reservation.
loved it -- a very good mystery
Rather disappointing.
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