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Hilda Y El Gigante De Medianoche (2010)

by Luke Pearson(Favorite Author)
4.2 of 5 Votes: 2
Barbara Fiore
review 1: This is a book that people of many ages can enjoy (and learn from!)- a hard thing to accomplish in an illustrated text! Young children will enjoy the fun pictures and Hilda's interactions with both tiny people and huge giants based on Norse mythology. Older kids and teens will appreciate the wonderfully humorous irony employed throughout the mysterious plot. And adults will snort with satisfied pleasure at the hilarious wisdom imparted on topics such as bureaucracy, nature, and love.This is the graphic novel for the whole family! Or for a child to treasure to keep rereading every few years and getting more and more out of it each time.
review 2: Very quirky story of Hilda and her mother who live in a countryside reminiscent of Scandinavia and who are beginning
... moreto get tiny eviction notices from unknown beings. Full of fantastical creatures, and sly humor, Hilda is an adventurous but kind girl who wants to figure out how she and her mom can stay in their home. The ending is quite a surprise! On the Maryland Black Eyed Susan graphic nominee list. less
Reviews (see all)
I definitely agree with the blurb on the back: a mix of Tove Jansson and Hayao Miyazaki! :)
I agree with the reviewer who compared it to Miyazaki. Short and sweet.
Loved. Beautiful art. Cute, funny, fantastical story. Great.
Cute characters but sped thru the plot
A really sweet story.
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